My name is Dana, I grew up in Jerusalem, and I am currently studying and living in Gent, Belgium for almost 5 years. Growing up in Jerusalem has shaped a big part of my personality. Being exposed to conflict and social influences to identify with certain beliefs and reject the others, made me suffer limitations of freedom physically, mentally and spiritually. Nonetheless, it also nourished my curiosity to dive deeper into self knowledge, and discovery. The questions of who am I without the belief constraints imposed on me lead me to Yoga. Yoga in its deep meaning of unity, transcending beyond the illusion of separation, has become a powerful tool in my personal transformation. From a limited self that seeks to be accepted through belonging to a certain group of people, to a higher self that believes in the limitlessness and expansiveness of human experience. Since 2015, I have completed a few yoga teacher training courses including ; 200 hours of Hatha yoga with yogalife in Belgium, 50 hours of restorative yoga with Ela Veda, and 40 hours of vinyasa yoga with Shiva Rea.
My yoga mat has been my sacred sanctuary, where I take time to breath life into my inner self realisations. The more I practice, the more I realise the precious gift of being alive, surrounded by other fellow human beings. Yet, it also strikes me how disconnected we can be. The desire I have to connect with what is alive in me and others brought another powerful tool of transformation my way, "NonViolent Communication" NVC (a process developed by Marshall Rosenberg). NVC is a compassionate process of observing things as they are, connecting to the needs and feelings while making requests. It is a conscious process of communicating what is alive in you in the most honest and clear way, while receiving what is alive in the other with respect and empathy. I am currently following a year course "Embodying & Teaching NVC- on the road to becoming an NVC trainee with Yoram Mosenzon in Amsterdam.
My dream is to combine the skills I learn in NVC, to empower the authentic self expression, with my yoga teaching to open and strengthen the body, so I can support myself and all those that pass my path in life to be the best version of ourselves and to live the life we deserve!
Yoga, workshops, and retreats in Gent
Yoga classes
Vinyasa Yoga class - Every Wednesday 11.45-13.00 special edition for UGent Students and staff Bioscience Engineering Faculty (contact me to add you to the mailing list)
Yoga at the park
Vinyasa Yoga class - Every Thursday 18.30 -19.30 Donation based class at Zuid park Gent 9000 infant of King Albert's statues...follow the facebook page for updates (when the weather is not supportive, the class is cancelled)
Yoga at Biscarrosse Flow Track surf camp from 15th July-15th August 2018
Vinyasa Yoga class Everyday while I am there:)
Consciousness Retreat second edition Save the dates 24-27th May 2018 ( at the Mill Retreat Centre) Register Now!
Info about previous retreat 15-17th December 2017 (blog coming soon)